We see people hungry for the Word of God, sacrificially caring for one another, and desperate to reach the lost.

It’s been said, if you aim at nothing you’ll hit it every time. To approach ministry without a proper target is to miss the intent of Scripture’s command to “set things in order” (Titus 1:5). Therefore, at Rosedale Bible Church, we aim to define a biblical philosophy of ministry and direct the approach of that ministry to fit Rosedale Bible Church.

GOSPEL Purpose: Why do we do what we do?

Our purpose is this: To bring glory to God. The boldest theme of Scripture and the highest purpose of the church is to glorify the triune God by magnifying His name in the world. Jesus was given a singular purpose by His Father, and He has given that purpose to His church—to display the glory of God to all people. Our purpose is a gospel purpose because the glory of God is most wonderfully displayed in the reality of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God

1 Corinthians 10:31

GOSPEL Mission: Of all the things we could do, we have decided to do these things.

We intend to accomplish this gospel purpose through a three-fold mission: the exaltation of God, the edification of the saints, and the evangelization of the lost. The gospel is at the center of our worship and prayer, our preaching and discipleship, and our proclamation to unbelievers. Therefore, we fulfill our gospel mission as we exalt the God of the gospel, edify the saints through the gospel, and evangelize the lost with the gospel.

Exalting in the God of the Gospel

Our desire is to exalt in the God of the gospel through meaningful Spirit-filled worship, both individually and corporately. As gospel-transformed individuals we exalt God as we worship Him through sincere reverence, prayer, and joyful obedience. Corporately, we exalt God as we gather together and offer our adoration and declare His greatness.

Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship

Romans 12:1

Edifying the Saints through the Gospel

True edification and change is only accomplished through the gospel as revealed in Scripture. Therefore, it’s our desire to edify and promote growth in the saints through the gospel by faithfully preaching and teaching the Scriptures, cultivating and training qualified church leaders, patiently and persistently discipling one another, and exercising our spiritual gifts for the benefit and building up of the body of Christ.

To equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ

Ephesians 4:12

Evangelizing the Lost with the Gospel

We readily recognize the fallen world in which we presently reside and the desperately wicked nature of mankind. Therefore, with great compassion and purposeful clarity, we labor to evangelize the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We strive to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples and proclaiming Christ to every person, pleading for all to embrace Christ as Lord and Savior.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

GOSPEL Vision: If God blessed us beyond all we could ever think or imagine, what would things look like?

We see people hungry for the Word of God, sacrificially caring for one another, and desperate to reach the lost.

Rosedale Bible Church

16000 Rosedale Hwy, Bakersfield, CA 93314

(661) 589-3305